
i heard one song from GLEE at my friend's car. and it makes me feel so deep in love with this song. maybe too much for me to say to you that im in love with Glee, but i mean it.
i found my dad and my family fall in love with this drama too.
every song in this drama just made me sick.
and this song, just make me smile over and over again.
i bet you to hear the song, and you will fall in love too.

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Istana Pasir

aku senang membuat istana pasir.

aku senang membangun sebuah istana dengan pasir.
aku membangunnya dengan hati-hati.
aku membuat setiap lekuknya dengan sempurna.
semua bergantung padaku.
aku membuatnya lebih besar lagi.
lebih megah lagi.

aku membangunnya di tepi pantai.
dengan semangat ditemani matahari yang menyengat.
aku memupuk begitu banyak butiran pasir dan membangunnya dengan cantik.
aku begitu bangga melihatnya terbangun dengan gagah.

lalu ombak datang.
aku sudah menduga.
lalu ombak dengan serakahnya menerjang istanaku.
istana yang sudah dengan gagahnya berdiri di pasiran tepi pantai.
aku sudah menduga.
lalu istanaku hancur.
aku sudah menduga.
mereka hanya tinggal segundukan pasir biasa.
aku sudah menduga.

aku malah tersenyum.
aku malah melangkah dengan penuh semangat.
dan aku malah membangunnya lagi dari awal.

semua terjadi berulang.
sampai matahari hilang tak terlihat.

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(best) friend

i was surprised. i just felt alright sometimes, but some other people said i am not that right. have you ever feel like that? when u tried so much to wear a mask. try to hide your sadness, and try to smile all long day?
yeah, i tried that one to wear a mask. but you know what? when i tried to smile, or even laugh, there's other people that just look at my eyes and said 'you have some problems, gita'.
i was surprised that time. and just realized something.
your true friend is not about going everywhere together. it's not about spend most of your time together. maybe they can't be there for you anytime you want. they dont need a lot of time to understand you. they dont need a lot of time to know you.
just give them a second, to look into your eyes, and they can read everything.
bestfriend listens to what you don't even say, bestfriend reads to what you don't even write. how hard you try to hide your feeling, there's your (best)friend that can read your mind or even your heart that maybe you can't read by your self.

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where r u?
r u just go away?
hey, i still need u
to deny the another one.
please, don't be like this
i can't handle it alone.
hey, can u understand??
please, for this time only.
where r u?
why r u just go away?
just fly away like a dust?
please, i still want you to be here.
i want you to be stayed in here,
and i can deny the another one.
i don't know what can i do now.
when you just go away
and the another one come in to my life
hey, please stay
i need you.

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i can't

no puedo evitar más este sentimiento. y todavía miedo de dejarlo fluir.

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what kind(?)

You've made my mood up and down
You've made my heart beats unwell
You've made my world spinning round and round
You've made my mind just stick back around you and you
You've made me addicted to you
You've made me hard to take a breath
You've made me headache
And even sometimes you've made me heartache
You give me something that I feel so... HEAVEN
Yes, sometimes it hurts, but I had so much fun with all of that.
I can tell what kind of feeling. But all that I know, it's soooo wonderful!

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