do you remember?

hey, do you remember that moment? when we met at our first day? i think you don't get it.
hey, do you remember that moment? when we talked for the first time? do you remember my first question? uhm, i don't think so.
hey, do you remember that moment? the first time you wrote on my wall. do you remember what u wrote? i still read that once a day.
hey, do you remember our first talk? what we talked? what the topic? and how many times we spent in front of our pc? oh i miss that!
hey, do you remember when i told you my story? do you remember what advice u gave to me? oh, that means a lot for me.
hey, do you remember when i feel sad? feel like that day was the end of the world? told you how was my feeling at that moment? oh, i love every words you gave to me.
hey, do you remember when i told you, finally, i was falling in love? do you remember when u asked about that gossip? aah, i feel so lucky to have a friend like you.
hey, do you remember when i asked you what can i do for that boy at that moment? do you remember when you pulled me up when i think i don't have any chance? do you remember what was you saying that can made me feel happier? i'm thanking you.
hey, do you remember when u said u was falling in love too? do you remember how can u told me the story? i'm happy finally you can share your story to me.
hey, do you remember your story about worm? do you remember my reaction? aaah, i hated you for telling me that 'yaks' story, but it was so funny.
hey, do you remember a lot of funny stories you told me? do you remember how many times we shared? do you remember how many words we typed?
do you miss that? ah, i wish. ;)
so sorry for many times you spent with me just to hear my story that maybe you don't wanna know.
is it too late to say maybe it's you?

ps: too drama queen, that's me. ;P

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little note

Time goes by. So fast. And everything just happens out of my control.

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